Exactly. Police will never protect Black people from white supremacists because their role is oppressa and disrespect Black people.
The first police in the United States derive from slave-catchers. In the 21st century, they help to oppress Black people. They are a hand of the Klan and the violence against us only shows that they do not value our lives.
“This form of policing is based on the mindset that people of color commit more crime and therefore must be subjected to harsher police tactics. Police argue that residents in high crime communities often demand police action” (p.51).
I agree that we need people to get off the sidelines. We need real change and that will only happen when people come together to fight for what is right. They need to arrest the officers who shot Jacob Blake and who killed Breonna Taylor while she slept.
Vitale, A. S. (2018). The end of policing. London, UK: Verso.