Katrina was difficult for me because I was a senior in high school when it all went down. My family was displaced because our house was totally destroyed but we evacuated on time so everyone survived. Even all these yaers later, the city is still not what it once was.
Many white people came to the city under the guise of rebuilding and pushed many families out of the city. Some could not afford to come back because even though our city is under sea level, insurance companies do not provide flood service throughout all the city.
It was a terrible experience because many of my friends lost family members but we still graduated that year so it's like we all bonded. That was the year I started a facebook account (to keep in touch with everyone). We love our city but we still have a lot of things to work on. It will be interesting to see how we come out of COVID-19. We certainly felt lucky not to get any major hurricanes this year. Thanks so much for your kind words. It's always great to hear from you. 🌟