My only issue is that the term TERF is one that was invented. It's the same as calling someone racist. It's not a moniker someone normally takes on to himself. Dave Chapelle said that people called him a TERF so he's a TERF. And that's the part, as you said, that's not okay. But, we need the conversation and discourse to keep flowing and I'm thankful for you for writing this article in that effort.
Secondly, the problem with JK's infamous tweet is that she said sex is real. That is not the same as someone's gender identity, which if someone denied would be transphobic. Yet, they labeled her as such and I've never fully understood why. There is a big problem where gender is being demonized instead of discrimination based on gender. This is a perfect example of two communities talking past one another.
Also, Dave Chapelle said the opposite of JK (that gender is fact) showing that he actually doesn't know what point is being made here at all, because saying that gender is fact is transphobic but calling someone that implies they understand the nuance of gender politics, which to be frank, has not been as mainstream as race politics. So, that's part of the problem with demonizing him for this statement. This is a moment for education but sadly, they're out to end his career.
I think that there is a lot of ignorance being labeled as cruelty and I get that folks are hurt. But, I think the semantics here are all over the place, especially since Dave Chapelle never said he hated Transwomen or Transpeople at all. That's kind of what's implied by the critics but frankly there was never a time when he incited violence or hatred towards their community. That's just my side of the coin though.
I heard that Dave Chapelle and the Netflix employees will possibly meet. I think that is the best for everyone because this conversation is sorely needed.