Yes, I read what you wrote. You are very rude and in the end of the day seem to be struggling with your racial identify.
The one drop rule existed before the Nazis. It was used legally since 1911 in the United States. It is no longer the law of the land. However, it is a useful tool in determining who is Black and who is not. You seem to be confused about the origin of the one drop rule.
African Americans have necessarily had a different experience than whites with this rule. After the Civil War and prior to the mid-1960’s, many people then called “Negroes” — at least those middle-class people who could — adopted white values about complexion and hair, and many older African Americans can still remember battling with chemical lighteners and straighteners. As iswell known, however, with the second civil rights movement, many African Americans embraced Negroid appearance as an emblem of their commitment to that battle. As will become clear, however, this sense of common interest among African Americans is far older than the recent civil rights era, for it first appeared in parts of the American colonies prior to the American Revolution and showed signs of strengthening in the young republic in the years following. Following the more radical years of the late 1960s and 1970s, the pendulum swung back. Since the 1980s African Americans and others have placed substantial value on light coloring, straight hair, and European-derived facial features, to the point where sales of skin and hair products, and even cosmetic surgery, have skyrocketed.14For mixed-race people, individual personal struggles with the color line also have a long history. Frederick Douglass recorded his handling of its difficulties in 1848 while on his way to a Negro convention in Buffalo. After boarding a lake steamer, Douglass accepted a spontaneous invitation by his fellow passengers to give a speech. Afterwards he learned that a certain white passenger had announced his disagreement with a point made by Douglass and had declared that he would not “discuss this question with a nigger.”In response, Douglass passed word to this critic “that he was much mistaken in supposing me to be a nigger, that I was but a half negro — that my Dear Fatherwas as white as himself, and if he could not condescend to reply to negro blood, to reply to the Europeanblood.”In such instances, however, the one-drop rule itself was not in dispute; indeed at times many American blacks have actually reinforced its dominance as a social norm.15Discerning the historical reasons underlying the one-drop rule raises important evidentiary and conceptual problems.
You and Fredrick Douglas seem to have a good bit in common in that he did not want to be Black and bound to the one-drop rule. By all means, he can deny his racial identity but it will not change how the world views him. He was a Black man.
The problem is not the rule missy. The issue is how they treat Black people. If you are this caught up on being racially identified in a particular way, that is your cross to bear.
Nevertheless, I will say this again since you seem a little lost. Being Black is a good thing so the one-drop rule is not offensive to me. It was used to oppress people but that does not make being Black less worthy.
Finally, the one-drop is only one example of racial identify in the United States. We can also use the Jim Crow Laws to identify who is Black because that is how the world views you. If a person could not enter a whites-only facility, that person is Black. Now if you have an issue with Blackness, I suggest you find somewhere else to be. I don’t deal with hateful people. Hope you learned something and have a good day.